Criteria for this position (see Standing Rule 8: Nominations and Elections) include the following:
Members-at-Large have diverse portfolios and perform a variety of tasks for AAAL. Candidates are expected to have had a record of service to AAAL. The term for this role is three years. It is preferable that candidates have some prior leadership experience in the Association such as Committee Chair, Strand Coordinator, or Task Force Leader. Members-at-Large serve as members of the Executive Committee and ex-officio members of AAAL standing committees. They also take on additional tasks such as chairing ad-hoc committees, overseeing initiatives, and serving as liaisons to external associations/institutions. Individuals who have previously served as Members-at-Large may be included on the slate if there is a lapse of three years between the conclusion of their previous term and their re-election. However, in general, we prefer to bring new people into such roles.