From the Editors
December 2023 AAALetter
Table of Contents
- AAAL 2023 Membership at a Glance | Sarah Hercula
AAALetter Editorial Team | Sarah Hercula, Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer, & Shuyi Yang
AAAL 2023 Membership at a Glance
Sarah Hercula, Missouri University of Science and Technology
AAALetter Editor
We hope you enjoy this issue’s infographic, featuring membership data from 2023. You can also download a PDF of the infographic to zoom in further.
The AAALetter Editorial Team
Sarah Hercula, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer, Iowa State University; and Shuyi Yang, Johns Hopkins University
AAALetter Subcommittee, AAAL Online Education and Outreach Committee (OEOC)

Sarah Hercula, Editor, AAALetter
Sarah Hercula is an associate professor of applied linguistics in the Department of English and Technical Communication at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO. Dr. Hercula holds a PhD in English studies with a specialization in linguistics and a graduate certificate in TESOL from Illinois State University. Her research interests include English language variation, language attitudes and ideologies, and linguistics pedagogy, among others. Her most recent article, “Adapting the verbal guise technique: A STEM-focused campus community’s attitudes toward nonnative Englishes,” was published online in the Journal of Language, Identity & Education in September 2023. This is Dr. Hercula’s second issue as the Editor of the AAALetter, and she has served on the newsletter editorial team since April 2020.
Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer, Assistant Editor, AAALetter
Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer is an assistant professor in the Applied Linguistics and Technology program at Iowa State University. Dr. Sonsaat-Hegelheimer’s research interests include L2 pronunciation instruction, materials evaluation and development, and computer-assisted language learning (CALL). She is the co-editor of Second language pronunciation: Bridging the gap between research and practice (Wiley Blackwell) with John M. Levis and Tracey M. Derwing. Dr. Sonsaat-Hegelheimer has served on the AAALetter editorial team since March 2022.
Shuyi Yang, Assistant Editor, AAALetter
Shuyi Yang is a lecturer of Chinese at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Yang holds a PhD in Second Language Acquisition from University of Iowa. Her research interests include Chinese as a second language reading, second language reading and writing assessment, Chinese as a second language vocabulary acquisition, and Chinese as a second language pragmatics. She has publications in System, Foreign Language Annals, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and Reading in a Foreign Language and has served as a reviewer for Language Learning, Language Testing, Foreign Language Annals, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Reading in a Foreign Language, and Language Assessment Quarterly: An International Journal and is currently an editorial board member for Reading in a Foreign Language. Dr. Yang joined the AAALetter editorial team in April 2023.