For over twenty years the FFAL endowment fund has provided travel awards to almost 100 deserving graduate students. Many of these individuals have joined the global network of applied linguists in various capacities and continue to support the mission of AAAL through their academic scholarship and service to the profession.
A new campaign has begun to increase the level of the FFAL endowment by $65,000 by the end of the AAAL 2023 conference. This will allow the endowment to maintain the same level of support for graduate student travel for the next two decades despite any investment income instabilities.
Select Your One Time Donation Below
Sustainer Circle Donation $5000 | Benefactor Circle Donation $2500 | Foundation Circle Donation $1000 |
Leadership Circle Donation $500 | Cornerstone Circle Donation $100 | Engagement Circle Donation up to $99 |
Select Your Monthly Recurring Donation Below
FFAL Recurring Donation $100 | FFAL Recurring Donation $75 | FFAL Recurring Donation $50 |
FFAL Recurring Donation $25 | FFAL Recurring Donation $10 | FFAL Recurring Donation $5 |
Generous donors that have given this year are listed below. Add your name before the conference in March!
joe bob
h jim