LEAD Summer School in Second Language Acquisition
Event Details
LEAD Summer School in Second Language Acquisition
University of Tübingen, July 23-27, 2018
The University of Tübingen is pleased to host the LEAD Summer School in Second Language Acquisition in July 2018. The LEAD Summer School is a major international event that draws together leading researchers and students from a variety of disciplines (theoretical and applied linguistics, psychology, education, language testing) in order to discuss current trends and future directions in second language research.
The Summer School is an initiative of the Heritage Language Consortium, a new strategic partnership between Tübingen University, Lancaster University, the University of Lisbon, the University of Minho, NOVA University of Lisbon, the University of Porto, and the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The event free is offered free of charge but prior registration is required. Registration includes coffee breaks, a welcome reception (Monday) light lunch during Wednesday’s poster session, and a Stocherkahn trip up the Neckar river. However, delegates have to pay for travel/accommodation expenses and make their own arrangements for lunch (except Wednesday).
Space at the summer school is limited to 40 registered participants. To secure your place, please follow the link below. For questions, please email the organizers at leadsummerschool@gmail.com.
Topics include:
Heritage language learning
Language learning and technology
Individual differences in language learning
Language testing
Corpus approaches to L2 acquisition
Computational linguistics and SLA
Instructed SLA
Cognitive foundations of language learning and teaching
Task-based language teaching
Linguistics and education
We look forward to welcoming you to Tübingen in the summer!
Patrick (Rebuschat), Detmar (Meurers), Katharina (Wendebourg) and Simon (Ruiz)
Dr. Patrick Rebuschat
Department of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
County South C73
Lancaster LA1 4YL
United Kingdom