Call for Symposia for the International Congress
Event Details
Call for Symposia for the International Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics - AILA
Sunday 27 March 2022
We encourage colleagues to submit symposia as they contribute to the coherence and fluidity of the new AILA conference format. In particular, they allow for a better representation of all sub-disciplines of applied linguistics but also of less visible languages. Researchers first submit proposals for symposia and then a call for individual submissions will be launched in Spring 2022. Individual submissions should then be tailored to the theme of one of the symposia selected in the first phase. The standard format of the symposia will be hybrid, but the novelty is that we will be able to offer symposia in a 100% remote format with reduced registration fees. Another new feature is that the symposia can be in any of 4 languages: French, English, Spanish and German. Our objective is to offer better accessibility to the congress through the hybrid format, to think about a logistical approach anchored in sustainable development, and to propose an event on a human scale.
Platform for submitting symposium proposals:
Tutorial for submission process:
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