Call for Submissions: ILTA: Language Assessment Bibliography
Event Details
Dear colleagues
You may be aware that ILTA publishes two bibliographies, which are updated on an annual basis. We would like to invite you to submit your updates for 2020:
A. PhD dissertation bibliography
ILTA publishes a bibliography of PhDs in language testing. This is freely available to members and non-members (
Please submit details of your PhD, or your students’ PhDs by 31st December 2020 here or paste this web address into your browser
B. ILTA Language Testing Bibliography
This bibliography contains references to published work on language testing topics. The bibliography is available to ILTA members after signing in to the ILTA website at
Please submit details of your peer-reviewed publications from 2020. Please note that in cases where a journal publishes an electronic version before the print version appears (called Online First, First view, or similar), only articles where the print version was published in 2020 will be included in the bibliography.
Please submit the information by 31st December 2020 here or paste this web address into your browser
There is no need to send references of articles published in the journals Language Testing, Language Assessment Quarterly, Assessing Writing, and Papers in Language Testing and Assessment - these are automatically included in the bibliography.
Thank you very much!
Best wishes,
GSA ILTA Bibliography editors
(Jorge Beltran, Dylan Burton, Wenjun (Elyse) Ding, Hyuhan Kim, Haoshan (Sally) Ren, Olena Rossi)