Call for Chapter Proposals
Heteroglossia and Language Play in Second-Language Speech
Event Details
Heteroglossia and Language Play in Second-Language Speech
Edited by Darren LaScotte and Elaine Tarone
Ludic language play, as characterized by Bakhtin (1934/1981), has been proposed as one way in which learner language use in social context may influence second-language acquisition processes (Broner & Tarone, 2001; LaScotte, 2019; LaScotte & Tarone, 2019; Tarone, 2000, 2019). With a focus on heteroglossia and language play in second-language speech, we invite scholars to submit chapter proposals for empirical studies documenting use of Bakhtin's constructs of language play, multivoicedness, and heteroglossia in studying second-language learner speech, including acquisition processes. We wish to solicit novel contributions from a diversity of language teaching contexts, learner populations, and topics in the theory and/or practice of second and foreign language teaching.
How to submit:
Submit an abstract of your proposed book chapter in 500 words (excluding references) using this Google form. In your proposal, please clearly state the following:
The theoretical framework
The context of your research (country, language taught, student population)
How your contribution offers empirical, original, and significant work
Implications of your research on the research and/or practice of language teaching and learning
Deadline to submit:
August 15, 2021
For more information about the book and how to submit, please see the attached PDF call for proposals and visit our site: