The AsiaTEFL International Conference is the premier platform for English language teaching (ELT) practitioners, administrators, and researchers in Asia. At the conference, participants from Asia and all over the world convene to engage in dialogue on a wide range of topics on how to advance and impact the field of English teaching and learning. The conference offers opportunities to interact with people from all walks of ELT, learn about current trends, and contribute to this unique venue for the Asian ELT community.
The 18th AsiaTEFL International Conference’s theme is “Interweaving Theory and Practice in ELT in Asia: Creating New Prospects for the Future,” which stresses the importance of applying theory to the classroom. We welcome proposals on all aspects of ELT.
Important Dates
- Proposal submission: November 20, 2019 – January 15, 2020
- Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2020
- Conference dates: June 25-27, 2020
Presentation Topics
Proposals on the following topics are welcome:
- Language planning and language policy
- Methodologies and teaching approaches
- Curriculum, syllabus design and materials design
- Assessment and evaluation
- Second language acquisition and literacy development
- English for academic/specific purposes
- Teacher education and professional development
- Program management and leadership development
- Digital literacies/language learning and technology
- Intercultural communication and global competencies
- Pluralingualism, translanguaging and multilingual education
- World Englishes/English as a lingua franca
- Identity and learner autonomy
- Discourse/genre analysis
- Creativity and critical literacies
- Teaching young learners
- Other ELT related topics
Presentation Types
- Paper (oral) presentation (30 minutes = 25 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A): An oral report of recent research, issues, or practices.
- Poster presentation (60 minutes): Poster must be presented on an A0-sized poster (approximately 841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x 66.8 in) to be displayed in a provided area. Presenters must be present at a designated time and discuss their work with conference participants.
- Workshop (90 minutes): Hands-on session for professional development focusing on a specific teaching or research technique.
- Symposium (90 minutes): Session with a clear theme and multiple, short presentations on issues, practice or research. Presenters should be recruited prior to proposal submission.
- ReN symposium (60 minutes): Session for an Asia TEFL Research Network (ReN) to discuss a topic of interest. There can be as many as 3 speakers in each symposium.
Please note that the language of presentations is English.