AAAL Community Guidelines
Disclaimer: The comments, opinions, and materials of contributors to AAAL Communities are representing their own views, not necessarily those of AAAL.
The AAAL Community and its sub-communities are founded with the following guiding principles:
- Trust: AAAL members, leaders, and staff must strive to uphold a culture of trust. Dialogue must be open and frequent, with transparency throughout the organization. All communication must adequately balance healthy intellectual disagreement and discourse with a culture of kindness.
- Inclusivity: AAAL strives to uphold values of Diversity and Inclusion in philosophy and operational implementation. Communities must promote involvement and broad access to participation. Discriminatory practice or language will not be tolerated. Discrimination includes, but is not limited to, race, ethnicity, language background, age, geography, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, economic status, citizenship status, religion, academic focus, degree program, and career goals
- Sustainability: AAAL Communities are intended to be organically generated and operated. Communities may be formed at any time. Lack of participation or leadership will result in Community elimination.
As such, all members are expected to adhere to the following policy:
- Your participation is implied agreement to adhere to these AAAL Community Guidelines
- AAAL Community Chairs and staff reserve, edit, or alter in any way content deemed inappropriate for any reason, without notification. This includes but is not limited to discriminatory, inflammatory, or aggressive discourse. Repeated offenses by the same individual may result in revocation of Community participation rights.
- Personal or professional attacks or intimidation will not be tolerated. Any individual who engages in such dialogue will have Community participation rights revoked. Individuals will have the right to appeal to the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee’s decision is binding.
- Participants must:
- Ensure that the posted material does not violate any term or condition of this policy
- Respect an expectation of confidentiality and not share content without the permission of the original poster
- Represent that they have the legal right to reproduce, adapt, display, and distribute the material and that it does not infringe the copyright, trademark, patent trade secret, or other intellectual property or proprietary rights of any other person or entity
- Include their name - anonymous activity is not permitted
- Understand that by submitting, posting, or displaying content on or through an AAAL Community, the user grants AAAL a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to house such content
- Be of legal age (18 or older)
- Postings, comments, etc. should not contain language nor link to language or images that:
- Are libelous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, offensive, abusive, or off-topic
- Contain content that is confidential or proprietary to AAAL or its members
- Are intended for commercial purposes, such as solicitation of funds, promotion of commercial entities or engaging in other commercial activity
- Endorses or opposes any political candidate or party or any partisan political position
- Include spam or chain letters
- Violate a third party’s right to privacy or any other applicable local, state, national or international law
- Degrade others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual preference, disability, or other classification.
- Infringe on any third party’s copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights