AAAL 2025: Presenter Guidelines

Here are some guidelines from the Conference Team for presenters whose presentations have been accepted, who have registered, and are scheduled in the AAAL 2025 program but experience unforeseeable travel difficulties due to COVID-19:

  1. If you are scheduled as a presenter for a roundtable, please inform us as soon as you know you won’t be able to travel, and we will cancel your event. Roundtables are interactive reports of work and require in-person delivery.
  2. If you are scheduled as a presenter for a poster, please inform us as soon as you know you won’t be able to travel, and we will cancel your event. Posters are designed for interactive reports of work and require in-person delivery.
  3. If you are scheduled as a presenter of an individual paper, please inform us as soon as you know you won’t be able to travel, and we will cancel your event. Individual papers are interactive reports of work and require in-person delivery.
  4. If you are a colloquium organizer and one of your presenters cannot attend, it will be your responsibility to devise a backup plan so as to uphold the quality of your colloquium event because colloquia are generally interactive reports of work and require in-person delivery. In addition, please inform us as soon as you know your colloquium presenter won’t be able to travel.

These are good-faith guidelines developed by AAAL to accommodate COVID-19 unforeseeable travel difficulties at AAAL 2025. Please note that refunds of registration to a speaker who must cancel will be honored in alignment with the AAAL Conference Cancellation Policy. 

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