AAALetter – June 2024

Volume 36, Number 1

Table of Contents

  Feature Articles

  1. Rethinking the Boundaries of Language, Rethinking the Boundaries of Applied Linguistics | Jerry Won Lee
  2. Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Advocate for More Just Language Policies | Katie A. Bernstein, Yalda M. Kaveh, & Claudia Cervantes-Soon
  3. Teacher Candidates’ Negotiation of Raciolinguistic Ideologies | Christian Fallas Escobar
  4. AAAL at TESOL 2024: Sharing Insights into our Advocacy Efforts | Peter De Costa

  AAAL Leadership Updates

       5. Celebrating our AAAL Members | Peter De Costa

       6. AAAL Conference Updates | Ryuko Kubota & Manka Varghese

  Standing Committee Updates

       7. Conference Connections: Continuing a Focus on the Future | Dustin Crowther
       8. Charging Ahead: Graduate Student Council Initiatives | Oksana Moroz & John Wayne dela Cruz

  News from Sibling Organizations

       9. Linguistic Society of America Turns 100 | Marlyse Baptista

      10. Center for Applied Linguistics: Promoting Language Learning and Cultural Understanding | Liying Cheng

  From the Editors

     11. AAAL 2024 Conference at a Glance | Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer & Sarah Hercula
     12. The AAALetter Editorial Team | Sarah Hercula, Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer, & Shuyi Yang


2024 Executive Board in Houston during the AAAL Conference